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Thread: Quinte Fishing Series Dates and IMPORTANT Rule Change

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Quinte Fishing Series Dates and IMPORTANT Rule Change

    Important Rule Change For 2007 Quinte Fishing Series Season.

    Since its inception in 1997, the Quinte Fishing Series has strived to provide its anglers with a professionally run, conservation based, live release tournament circuit. With each season, the Series has made improvements with weigh - in procedures and equipment to help conserve and protect our valuable fisheries. After all, conservation is the foundation of which our sport stands and with this in mind, the Quinte Fishing Series is announcing a new rule that will effect the first bass tournament of the season.

    Over the past three years, Quinte Fishing Series staff, along with assistance from the Biology Department at Queen’s University, have been monitoring tournaments, especially the opening bass tournament, and the stress levels and mortality rate on fish, especially smallmouth bass. Although only about 11% of the fish weighed in are smallmouth in the opening tournament, we have witnessed a higher level of stressed and a higher mortality rate in smallmouth at this tournament. The majority of these fish have been caught in Lake Ontario and it has been well documented by the MNR that smallmouth bass spawning in Lake Ontario is still ongoing as the season opens. These bass are in varying stages of the spawn, with some just pulling up on the nest, others are safeguarding nests and yet others are protecting and following their newly hatched young of the year. All of this happens in waters whose temperatures are significantly cooler than the Bay of Quinte and once these fish are caught, weighed and released into the much warmer waters of the Bay of Quinte, the cumulative effect takes its toll.

    One might ask, “how many smallmouth are we talking about”? The answer is, very few, as a clear majority of fish caught and weighed are largemouth and there is virtually zero mortality among the largemouth bass. Our committee, as said previously, has been reviewing statistics over the past few years and with a number of veteran Q.F.S. anglers voicing concern this past year, has decided that the best approach, both as conservationists and as a responsible tournament series, is to eliminate smallmouth bass from the opening bass tournament.

    Therefore, the first bass tournament of each Quinte Fishing Series season, will be a largemouth bass only event! This rule will only be in effect at the first bass tournament and for the remaining four (4) bass tournaments, smallmouth bass will be eligible.

    Our committee, after much discussion and debate, unanimously supports this new ruling and hopes that anglers will support the Series with this new conservation venture and we look forward to another amazing tournament season here on the “Bay’.

    In Fishing,
    Pete Thompson
    Tournament Director

    2007 Tournament Dates for QUINTE FISHING SERIES

    WALLEYE - May 27th, 2007 - Centennial Park, Deseronto,ON


    - June 23 & 24th* - S. George St., Belleville, On.
    - July 29th - S. George St.,Belleville, On.
    - August 12th - S. George St.,Belleville, On.
    August 26th - Centennial Park,Deseronto, On.

    QUINTE CLASSIC - September 15 & 16th, 2007 S. George St., Belleville, On.
    * This date, as all dates, may be subject to change


    Belleville’s Waterfront Weekend - July 14/15th - S. George St., Belleville


    ONE (1) DAY TOURNAMENTS - $150.00 / TEAM
    TWO (2) DAY TOURNAMENTS - $220.00 / TEAM
    * MEMBERSHIP FEE (Yearly) - $40.00 Per Person*

    ** Entry forms can be printed off from
    (QUINTE FISHING SERIES) or obtained from committee members as of December 4th, 2006.

    Note: All tournament and membership fees must be paid in full, sent with entry form and postmarked at least one (1) week prior to tournament date

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tom Chopin's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    I commend the Quinte Fishing series for this move to improve fish mortality. Great to see joint studies being done to understand our fisheries and protect their futures and tournament fishing in general. Nice Job!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006
    Even though I don't fish the Quinte series, I have met Pete (organizer) and some of the guys that do participate. All I can say is this is an awesome example of progressive ideas combined with conservation minded thinking.

    It's great to see. Whether you save two fish or two hundred, it's the tournament organizers and people fishing the series who are taking the lead and trying to set an example.

    Well done!

  4. #4
    BFB Admin Bruce Farrell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Now that's what I call Next Level thinking!

    Good work Pete and crew!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2003
    As a Andrew said 2 or 200 protecting the resource should always be #1. Great job in implementing this rule change .

  6. #6
    Senior Member Wil Wegman's Avatar
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    Near Lake Simcoe
    Congratualtions Pete and the entire Quinte Series Exec. You have obviously come to grips with the simple fact that largemouth and smallmouth are different critters. I fully support your assessment and commend your move. It will effect only a very few anglers who did indeed target Big Lake smallmouth during that opening weekend event - and now they will all be on a level playing field chasing the more plentiful Quinte largemouth.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2004
    Great job Pete!....nice to see the fishery comes first.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Kitchener Ontario
    Tips from the Tackle Box VIP Pro/AM have been in the loop with this decision and we commend Quinte Fishing Series position.
    Tips from the Tacklebox VIP will also make a change to their venue for 2007 as well. There will be a geographic cut off. Pass the light house in Daulphins Reach there will be no angling allowed during the tournament hours also there will be no entry into the Murray Canal to Lake Ontario. (GPS info will be sent out shortly)
    Bascially we have removed big waters from the event.
    We have surveyed many pass (52%) Pro Anglers and future particapating Pro Anglers and they have 100% agreed with this new cut off rule.
    It is very inportant we also protect the amatuer customer participting on big waters.
    All participtes feel this will bring more largemouth Pro Anglers and allow better participation from the amateurs. We also understand at this time of the year smallmouth could be or are still bedding. This should also help protect our fisheries that we are blessed with.
    I would say it is a win /win for all
    All rules and regulations of this event are governed by the Quinte Fishing Series tournament director Pete Thompson . Pro entry fee will be $265.00 plus GST.
    Limited field of 45 Pro Anglers. $6,000.00 plus $1,000.00 first place cash payout.field will be paid to 10th place......... NOT limited to Mercury outboard owners only!
    If you have any questions feel free to email me or U2U message
    Registration forms and Pro information letter will be posted or request by email 2nd week of December. Sign up early the field as we speak is filling up nicely!

    Gary O'Neill / Bob Hunke

  9. #9
    Senior Member Dave Spence's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Nice call ont rule change, good to see that the fish come first

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2005
    Just incredible. This is a fantastic idea and rule. This is the only way we can keep our resources for the future. Good to see how much is being put back into the resource and continued efforts to try and perserve it.

  11. #11
    A small series sets a good example, nice job Peter and the QFS committee.

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2003

    Pete is getting old

    Just a notice to anyone who may have picked up one of our paper entry forms. It contained a typo mistake on the price for the 2 day event. The cost for 2 days is $220. If you have alreday sent in your fees and this effects you Pete will be in touch shortly. You will have to forgive him, his mind id not as sharp as it use to be :X:X

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