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Thread: 2008 BPS Lake Simcoe Open Annoucements

  1. #1
    BFB Admin Bruce Farrell's Avatar
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    2008 BPS Lake Simcoe Open Annoucements

    Important note from Wil Wegman.........

    All those anglers who supplied emails but did not receive this directly last night, please to forward to me both their email address and that of their partner. This announcement bounced back from several competitors last night – many of whom registered very early in the year and whose emails may have changed between now and then.

    Hello to all those fishing in the 2008 BPS Lake Simcoe Open.

    Please see below our latest press release that was sent to media yesterday, but also has some important messages for competing anglers.

    We would like to let all those know who have been calling and emailing about the predicted wind forecasts for this weekend, that we are also watching weather patterns closely and that we are fully aware of the potential for high winds both Saturday and Sunday. At this early stage however, a decision to postpone the event cannot be made. The tournament director along with the BPS Lake Simcoe Open organizing committee will, if necessary, try to make a decision to postpone later this week and will immediately communicate these details to you thru email and then also post on . We are of course hoping that this current weather pattern dissipates before our big day Saturday Oct 25th, however safety for all anglers is our primary concern. Please stay tuned and check your email, this Big Fat bass site and the aurora site regularly for further announcements throughout the week.

    Early registration is slated for 7pm to 9pm on the Friday Oct 14th . . . at our host hotel – The Lionshead Resort in Jacksons Point. There are still be rooms available. Please review the posted General Rules, Regulations & Liability in addition to the Awards & Contingencies Summary. Please also keep in mind both Team members need to provide an individually signed copy of the application form which is also on the Aurora site under forms.

    For those who have had a partner drop out on them … please keep in mind we have already posted payouts based on a full field of 80 teams. Our waiting list teams are already signed up. We urge you to do everything in your power to find another angler to fish with you.

    Thank you all for your support.

    Wil Wegman
    The Aurora Bassmasters are pleased to announce that a full field of 80 teams – or 160 anglers are anxiously anticipating Canada’s premier one day bass tournament. The Bass Pro Shops Lake Simcoe Open on October 25th, 2008 at Sibbald Point Provincial Park in Sutton Ontario is destined to showcase the tremendous fishery of Lake Simcoe. With over ¼ million inland lakes in Ontario, Lake Simcoe arguably has more trophy smallmouth bass than found anywhere else in the province. Some think this event could see not just one, but two records broken.

    This tournament is recognized for continually setting and then breaking its own Canadian all time record for the five heaviest bass ever weighed in during a one day event. It currently stands at 29.90 lbs for five massive smallmouth that were weighed in during the 2006 tournament. If the winners of the event also happen to break the 30 pound barrier, they will take home an additional $10,000 on top of the $10,000 guaranteed winners’ purse. Additionally, if the winners also entered the voluntary Shimano Pay to Play Challenge, they could also pocket a potential $6,500 on top of the $20,000. Shimano is starting that pot with $2,000 cash plus two of their high end rods and reels. Any team interested in entering would contribute $40 at registration – but only those who pay can play!

    The other record that could be broken is the all-Ontario record smallmouth bass– currently sitting at 9.84 lbs. If a single eligible live bass tips the scales at more than this, the team would win a new Toyota Tundra truck and Tracker Tundra boat – a package valued at over $100,000.

    With all the incredible incentives available for big bass caught during this tournament, the Aurora Bassmasters have made the unprecedented move to purchase a high tech Magic Wand metal detector, similar to those used at airports. Herb Quan president of the club remarked “We got to thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to have this device, which is capable of detecting even small amounts of lead or other metals, on hand should any fish weigh significantly heavier then it appears. By stroking the Magic Wand over the fishes’ body, a buzzer would go off if there were any lead or metal inside. Of course, our rules stipulate that no intentional altering of a fishes’ weight is permitted”.

    All accepted applicants have already been contacted via email and a waiting list is in effect. Those on the waiting list will not be contacted unless a team position becomes vacant.

    As new information is made available, it will be posted on the Aurora Bassmasters site at Application Forms and a complete listing of General Rules, Regulations & Liability are available online through the Aurora Bassmasters and the Official Site of the Bass Pro Shops Lake Simcoe Open – (in development). The Aurora Bassmasters are one of 30 clubs across the province belonging to the Ontario BASS Federation Nation at

    Lionshead Lakefront Resort, the host hotel will provide competing anglers with their Bass Pro Shops Lake Simcoe Open Group Rate for Friday and Saturday night from $99.00 for a standard room; limited rooms are available at this rate. With the two night booking, anglers can add the Thursday or Sunday night room for only $79.00.

    Please note that in case stormy seas prohibit safe fishing, the event will be held the next day – on Sunday Oct 26th if conditions improve, or otherwise on the following Saturday.

    The Aurora Bassmasters are one of 30 clubs across the province belonging to the Ontario BASS Federation Nation at

    Press Release Prepared By:
    Wil Wegman

    For More Information Contact:
    Herb Quan: Registration
    Simon Frost:

  2. #2
    Just hooking up the boat to leave early tomorrow am, pre-fish should be calmer on Thursday/ least the winds will blow the same direction for a few days.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Colin Hunter's Avatar
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    45 k on sunday!! OUch :8:8

  4. #4
    Senior Member Pepe Parisien's Avatar
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    45 kph??????????? Whoa, easy there Colin - I hate anything over 5 ?LOL

  5. #5
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    What if a record fish has swallowed a jig head and its still in its belly. If the angler hasn't put it in there does it still count? Don't tell me that it isn't possible because I've seen two smallmouth caught in Rice Lake on different days and both were hooked deep and as a result died. Because they died they were kept for the frying pan so they weren't wasted. When they were cleaned, they both had swallowed a tube jig and tube and it was sitting in their belly. Not sure it they had swallowed it after breaking a line or my guess is they picked it up off bottom after a angler had got caught on a rock/zebra mussels and their line broke leaving the bait sitting on the bottom of the lake for a fish to pick up. Not trying to stir the pot but just thought this something that is possoble and wondering what would happen?

    On a possitive note best of luck to everyone involved and I'd love to be present when a record was broke. Especially a new Canadian Record Smallie.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Wil Wegman's Avatar
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    Rules state you cannot intentionally add anything to increase the weight of the fish Chris. We realize those things, as you describe, can happen. When in doubt - a lie detector can be utilized as well.


  7. #7
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    Went to the weigh-in and it was pretty impressive. Heard the fishing was so-so compared to some years with contestants marking a lot of fish but having trouble getting them to bite. Congrats to the winners Mike and Howard Gifford and another typical great bag of Fall Lake Simcoe Smallies. Even if the 30 lb mark wasn't broke it is still an great bag of fish.

    (Weights are unofficial but its what I picked up at the weigh-in.
    1. Mike and Howard Gifford 28.36
    2. Mark Moran and Joe Muszynski 27.2
    3. Erny Janzen and Rob Hyatt 27.14
    4. George Saliba and Des Barnes 25.9
    5. Robert Formosa and Jason Saliba 25.22
    6. Steve Hawkins and John MacDonald 24.82
    7. Dave Johnson and Barry Graves 24.1 & OA Big Fish a 6.86 Smallie
    8. Richie Tripp and Jason Barnnucz 23.54
    9. Rob Devine and Dave Kennedy 22.06
    10. Peter Bartonek and Cesare Ruscio 21.4
    11. Frank Adamo and Scott Murbon 19.26
    12. Will Wegman and Gerry Heels 15.98
    13. Peter Savoia and Gaspare Costibile 15.94
    14. Brian Curry and Jeff English 14.24 & Big LM 5.08
    15. Mike and Sue Watson 11.64

    20. Mark Cavanaugh and Mike Graham 11.22 (Congrats to a couple of fellow Port Perry Club members on picking up a check).

    37. Angela and Cameron Mitchell 3.74 Rapala Prize Winner

  8. #8
    Senior Member Jeff English's Avatar
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    A monster thanks goes out to the Aurora Bassmasters for putting on such an awsome event.

    Also thanks to Bass Pro Shops and Jack Links and all the other sponsors for thier support and contributions to make this such a sucsessfull event

    And thanks to Andy, Vita and all the CSFL staff for putting on such a awsome show for both the anglers and the spectators alike.

    And a special thanks goes out to my tourny partner, Brain Curry, for helping me to have such and awsome and fun day on a really tuff lake and for making it posable to finish in the money

    Congrats to Mike and Howard for an awsome bag of smallies

    Once again, thanks to everybody involved in this awsome event, competitors and anglers alike.


  9. #9
    First time fishing this event, very well run ! I'll be back next year for that Jack Links jerky to pass the time while dragging tubes. Oh, I'd also like to thank Dave Chong for the tips on hooksets Congrats to all the winners... big money, big fish and big water !!

  10. #10
    It was a rainy start to the Bass Pro Shops Simcoe Open Tournament . The rain was expected to be heavy ,, and it was. As luck would have it we drew boat number 80 out of 80 boats which meant we started dead last. Luckily the wind was from the South East which made for smooth riding until you got a mile or so out from the South shore. We had a xx mile trip to our first spot and needless to say we were soaked by the time we got there. First cast I got a bite,,, a 4 1/2 lb smallie. Not bad for a start but an hour and a half later we hadnt got another bite. We made the decision to go to plan "B". We had a spot found in the tournament the week earlier so we travelled through the rain and the rollers to get to it. Mercifully by now the rain had let up. The day went by so quickly we almost didn.t realize we had to go if we were going to make it back on time. We ended up culling 3 5 1/2 pounders so we knew we were in contention. We estimated our catch around 27-28 lb. Yes that is with 5 fish. At the weighin we heard that 27.2 lb was the weight to beat. We were held to the end to make it more dramatic. One by one our fish were put into the bag greeted by ahhhs and ooohhhs. The weight was finally tallied at 28.34 lb! WOHHOOO!!! $10,000.00 First Place.

    My arms are falling off and my face hurts (from smiling).
    We would like to thank Andy for having faith in us, Herb Quan and the Aurora Bassmasters, Bass Pro Shops and all the competitors for a wonderful tournament. We would also like to thank Dave Mercer for his great sense of humour and his wonderful wit as MC. We would especially like to thank the awesome Simcoe smallmouth for cooperating with us and taking our offerings. Only 364 days until next years BPS Simcoe Open and I can't wait!

    aka Flatout

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Excellent event Thanks to everyone involved , Aurora bassmasters and all other volunteers, CSFL.The sponsers really deserve our support for stepping up to help make this Tournament the great event that it is . I'm already looking forward to next year. Congats to the winners Mike and Howard ,A great bag on a tough day of fishing . Thanks again

  12. #12
    Mr Gifford, you might want to consider showing a little class when you win an event. Bragging what you culled then pointing out that half the field got skunked(it was removed) shows disrespect. When guys win events they come on and say thank you and that they had a great day. I think the guys that got skunked feel pretty bad and when the winner of the event comes on a popular public form and reminds them and informs others of the day they had, its like rubbing a salty tube in their wound. But should anyone expect anything different from you after the morals you showed last year refusing to return money that you did not win! I feel bad for the second place team because from what I heard you were not supposed to be allowed in the event this year because of your prior actions.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Tai Dang's Avatar
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    Originally posted by donpearce
    Mr Gifford, you might want to consider showing a little class when you win an event. Bragging what you culled then pointing out that half the field got skunked(it was removed) shows disrespect. When guys win events they come on and say thank you and that they had a great day. I think the guys that got skunked feel pretty bad and when the winner of the event comes on a popular public form and reminds them and informs others of the day they had, its like rubbing a salty tube in their wound. But should anyone expect anything different from you after the morals you showed last year refusing to return money that you did not win! I feel bad for the second place team because from what I heard you were not supposed to be allowed in the event this year because of your prior actions.
    Wow... so when a winning team for a event makes a synopsis of thier day or not they still get slammed? I for one am happy to read how the event champs day went from a spectators point of view and always wonder how many fish they have to go through to acheive a massive weight of 28lbs.. I guess you would rather they just say thank you and not say nothing at all how their day went right? that's why the Bass fishing tournament scene can never be big as down south here in Ontario Canada.. this is the kind of additude thats holding our bass fishing industry back..

    Winners holding tips, Winners afraid to express thier proud winnings from comments such as that.. and yes it was very tough out there for most of the field .. i agree with that! But i don't see anything wrong with Howies report on his day.. in fact i'm very happy to see more winners opening up..

    as for what they did last year.. i was not there, so i cannot comment.. but that still has nothing to do what they did this year.. they did not cheat, or break any rules.. the officials let them participate in the event this year so whatever problem that they did have was probably solved and should be thier own business..

    my 2 cents ...

  14. #14
    Senior Member KurtHehlJr's Avatar
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    I don't there are many people with this attitude, at this level of competition, and even if there is, they keep it to themselves rather than saying it at the scales. Some people just get excited and rightly so, when 10g's is imminently being accepted. Guess it could have been handled better, and if that is the only thing people remember about the winners of this years BPS Open, then that was their choice. They did however, bring in a stupid-huge bag of fish, and it is a big deal to let people know what an achievement there is, maybe not along those lines though.

  15. #15
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    When the fishing is so tough a few teams always figure something out to put fish in the livewell, congrats to the teams that overcame all the obstacles and weather of the day to bring bass to the scales.
    Joey... almost another big win on Simcoe! Congrats to you and Mark.

    Cannot wait till next year already..

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