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Thread: Radioworld presents BassTalk 2010 - April 11, 2010

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Radioworld presents BassTalk 2010 - April 11, 2010

    Radioworld is proud to host BassTalk 2010 at our store in Toronto on Sunday April 11, 2010.

    We have gathered the top money making Bass Anglers that Canada has to offer and given it our own spin by inviting the gang from FishnCanada (Ang, Pete and Mike) to come by and visit during the lunch break.

    Speaking of lunch.... We will be preparing a Wild Game BBQ compliments of Black Angus Meats, FishnCanada and Radioworld

    Throughout the day you will be able to bid on a vast variety of "Silent Auction" items as well as participate in the FREE Door Prize raffles. An Early Bird prize is also available for those who purchase tickets prior to March 28th, 2010. Immediately following the seminars we will host an exclusive " Invitation Only" Sale in the store for one hour.

    Silent Auction proceeds will be donated to Dave Mercer's "Casting for a Cure" and "Catch a Dream" Big Brothers/Big Sisters Kids Fishing Derby.

    Tickets are available by visiting the store, our booths at the Toronto Boat show, The Fishing Show and the Toronto Sportsmens Show or by calling us at 416-667-1000 (1-866-666-8600 Toll Free)

    More information about the event is found at

    Availability is limited to the first 100 tickets sold.

    Thank you for reading this post

    Jack Summers
    General Manager

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    The link has now been added to our home page at

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Aurora, Ontario
    We're extremely excited to having Radioworld host a BassTalk session! Jack & his crew at Radioworld are definitely at the forefront of the electronics world. Electronics play a greater role in fishing every year and if you don't stay current you'll get left behind.

    Six of Canada's top bass professionals will let you in on their secrets to success. Included in this group are Simon Frost & Paul Shibata, who are probably 2 of the most knowledgeable anglers in Canada when it comes to electronics, both in setting them up & using them to catch more & larger fish!

    We look forward to seeing everyone in Toronto at Radioworld on Sun. Apr. 11, 2010 Full itinerary will be posted up shortly on our website

    Best wishes to everyone for a Safe & Prosperous New Year!

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