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Thread: Buff angler High UV and angler gloves

  1. #1

    Buff angler High UV and angler gloves

    Hey Guys.
    A new product we have just brought in. Save your face and neck from the sun. I had the chance to where one this past summer and decided to sell them they where that good. we can get any pattern that is on our site. You may like the largemouth bass pattern.

    Angler High UV Buff headwear is made with Coolmax® Extreme to block 95% of UV rays while keeping you cool, dry and protected from the elements. Whether you’re fishing in tropical shallows, mountain streams, or the Great Lakes, long days on the water can be rough on your skin, even dangerous without the right protection.

  2. #2
    BFB Admin Bruce Farrell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    This small movie (needs Quicktime to view it) explains what these things are and how to wear them.

    Neat idea Rob.... do they keep the November Frostbite off your face when running?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I have been wearing one since pike opener and it works great.

  4. #4
    You can get the polar Buff also Bruce for cold weather.

    The sun protection is unbelievable. During the Canadian open I wore it for the first time. Makes a big difference by the end of the day you still feel refreshed. You can even dunk it into the water , ring it out and put it back on ,and you will love it.
    We also carry the hunting colection

    If your a Jerk Bait fisherman you have a look at the Angler gloves. Padded and fits great.

  5. #5
    Senior Member scottprimo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    just saw the video - so many options on "how to" use it! kewl

  6. #6
    We are placing our second stock order with Buffs.
    Anybody interested in pre ordering and saving some cash send me an email.
    We ship to your door

  7. #7
    Senior Member Dave Rochette's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Change my order to the Rooster fish pattern. Perhaps if I look like one I may hook into one the next time I'm in Mexico.

  8. #8
    Its a no brainer when considering how harmful the suns ray's are. Really good product and very cool assortment of patterns that would suit anyone's taste.

  9. #9
    Got you down for a Rooster Dave

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Not many products I like but this one has been awesome. This is my third season using it. You will see pics of me using this stuff on my facebook. They have become second nature to me now. Saves the neck and hands and head. All the day long and you dont get that burnt out feeling when you get off the water at the end of the day. Rob these things are the best thing since sliced bread. Best part is in all the heat this year they still kept me cool even. Have not been burned once this year and best part is no sunscreen on my gear. Dont need it.

  11. #11
    We have all of our new stock in. Get them wile there hot.

    Check out the Hunting Buffs. Great camo patterns. Check out the duck blind pattern for all you Duck hunters out there

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