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Thread: What will it take to win the BPS Simcoe Open

  1. #16
    Senior Member RyanLeung's Avatar
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    31 lbs!

  2. #17
    High 29s to win, big fish will be around the 7.5-8lb mark. the weather is gonna make it a tough run and bite by next weekend but I think there will be a few teams that are gonna be neck and neck

  3. #18
    Senior Member JohnWhyte's Avatar
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    The weather is looking better for Saturday with manageable winds. I think we will see 30+ and big fish will be over 8.
    Time on the Water Canada

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Where is the weigh-in?

  5. #20
    Senior Member JohnWhyte's Avatar
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    The weigh-in is at the Port of Orillia at 3:00 pm Saturday.
    Time on the Water Canada

  6. #21
    Senior Member jennfullard's Avatar
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    I'm going to guess 27.6lbs. I'm looking forward to seeing what the weights will be

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2013
    My guess is 22.50 I think the weather plays a roll

  8. #23
    BFB Admin Bruce Farrell's Avatar
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    Who had 22.85?

    Congrats to Simon & Melanie

  9. #24
    Senior Member GarySanderson's Avatar
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    my guess is 22.85
    OBFN Team Ontario 2009, 2011
    CBAF Team Ontario 2015, 2016
    2016 TBF National Contender

  10. #25
    Wow 22.85 lb. That was good for around 15th place when the tournament was held the last week of October. It is amazing what a couple of weeks early does to the bite. Hopefully next year the tournament is scheduled where it used to be. The last weekend in October. Or even the first weekend in November. If they want a full field and big sacks of bass it needs to be rescheduled. I know it is hunting season but if you want to see 30 lb. weights you need to have the tournament when the bite is on.
    Congrats to Simon and Melanie.

  11. #26
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HowieGifford View Post
    Wow 22.85 lb. That was good for around 15th place when the tournament was held the last week of October. It is amazing what a couple of weeks early does to the bite. Hopefully next year the tournament is scheduled where it used to be. The last weekend in October. Or even the first weekend in November. If they want a full field and big sacks of bass it needs to be rescheduled. I know it is hunting season but if you want to see 30 lb. weights you need to have the tournament when the bite is on.
    Congrats to Simon and Melanie.

    + 1

  12. #27
    Senior Member JohnWhyte's Avatar
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    It would probably be a better bite after turn over but there is no guarantee. Remember, the best weights ever recorded were on Oct. 23 before the turn over. Here is the story with all the dates

    This year was a bit of an anomaly because of some major changes going on in the lake including the prolonged mild fall. The lake is just busting with large shiners and small cisco added to the existing food web. I think this was just a cyclical issue that could be gone next year. There are few if any that have spent as much time on Simcoe from the end of Sept. to the end of Nov. fishing bass over the last 10 years and I have never seen it this tough. But the Thursday before the event the fish were on fire so I'm not sure it will make a huge difference. I guess we will know more as the lake turns over.
    Time on the Water Canada

  13. #28
    Senior Member Dave Rochette's Avatar
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    Where can you find the results ?

  14. #29
    John not sure which fire you saw Mike and I were out Tuesday, saw over 10 boats without a sniff. Temp needs to drop 55 before the fire begins my guess is after these next couple of days. As for the tournamnet it should have been canceled the tournament director should of for his head checked after sending the boats out. I'm glad no one got hurt out there, I saw a few nut jobs doing 40 + mph flying out of the water.

  15. #30
    Senior Member JohnWhyte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeAlbanese View Post
    John not sure which fire you saw Mike and I were out Tuesday, saw over 10 boats without a sniff. Temp needs to drop 55 before the fire begins my guess is after these next couple of days. As for the tournamnet it should have been canceled the tournament director should of for his head checked after sending the boats out. I'm glad no one got hurt out there, I saw a few nut jobs doing 40 + mph flying out of the water.
    I found the same thing on Tuesday but on Thursday they were very active. Water temps are only one factor and I've had great days with temps in the low 60's. Fish are just in transition and moving a lot. There was a lot of very deep fish so temps were not that relevant. As for the cancellation, it was no worse than it has been most years. To cancel that event because of those conditions there would have been a public lynching. For those that have done the tournament for a number of years they are used to rough water and they expect it. I don't think it was even as bad as last year. Put on your floater suit, tie everything down, make sure your lockers are locked down, and take it easy.

    This tournament isn't for everyone. It is for those that want to catch very large fish, have a chance at a record, and be part of a great tradition. It was not the best year but that can change. As soon as people drop out that will be the year something great happens. I'll be part of it until I win or die which ever comes first. Unfortunately the later is more likely the way my record is going on that day every year. It's still a great adventure, a great tradition and we don't have many left. Lets not let this one die because of one bad year.

    There is a shortage these days of tradition and sponsors so lets support both.
    Time on the Water Canada

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