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Thread: Flw canada cup 2018

  1. #1

    Flw canada cup 2018

    Things you should know about the FLW CAN/CUP 2018

    There is no membership.

    1 pay spot per every 5 Teams. Max of 25 pay spots.

    80% pay-back.

    40 boats per heat. With 15 min between heats. Laps time will be given back at the end of the day.

    The way you finish each day is the way you start the following day.

    The cut is based on I position per every 5 registered teams with the max of 25 positions for the final day drive by.

    Pre-Fish cut off 1/2 hour after sunset Mon. Aug. 6th re-opens 1/2 before sunrise Sat. Aug.11th

    All team must be Registered and paid in full by midnight Monday August 6th. 2018

    Please feel free to pass this message on.

    Last edited by CSFL; 08-03-2018 at 03:49 PM. Reason: GRAMMER

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