Line selection varies with different presentations and even then, its all personal preference.
I think it will take some time for you to figure out with what your comfortable with.
Last year i tried a spool of 65lb on a flipping/frog was like rope. i understand why guys use it, but after a couple outing, i knew it wasn't for me, i didn't have confidence throwing it. i don't fish a ton of heavy cover, but i do have a reel spooled with 40lb. Hasn't broke on me yet.

Most of my baitcast reels, i spool with 20-30lb braid, and i like it, and then depending on bait selection i will attach a fluro leader.
i had a issue with 1 spool of 20lb last year though, i dont even know for sure if it was the line, but it hasnt happened since. I had one outing, and one of my reels backlashed 3 times on me...all 3 times the line snapped during the backlash and i lost 3 lures. Needless to say, i put that reel out of commission for the rest of the day.