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Thread: Important Viewpoint on Supporting the Companies That Support Us

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2006

    Important Viewpoint on Supporting the Companies That Support Us

    Hey Guys,

    Yesterday Reno Viola posted a note on his Facebook page discussing how he needs anglers to show support for TD Canada Trust stepping up and supporting his radio network as a marketing partner. You can read the details here:

    Through his post, Reno brings up a broader point though of supporting the sponsors that support us as anglers and that many anglers just don't get the correlation of sponsor investment needing to have a measurable return in order to justify ongoing support of their sponsorship. When you see a sponsor's logo on the tournament series you fish, events you attend etc. those sponsors are INVOLVED AND DEDICATED to supporting the series you fish and they need your reciprocal support as well through purchasing product and buying locally or at the very least, in Canada.

    It's vital to maintaining competitive sportfishing events and media in Canada that we do more to support the companies that are actively supporting tournaments and anglers. And Yes, it's up to every one of us to do our part by making conscious decisions about the products you purchase and where you purchase them. I have to compliment Reno and others in the industry like the team at National Pro Staff, Dave Chong and his Basstalk tour, Paul Shibata and Renegade Bass and Renegade Bass Radio - who are all doing something different to raise the profile of tournament fishing and engage both traditional and non-traditional sponsors/advertisers and connect them with anglers and competitive fishing in general in Canada.

    So what can you take away from this and Reno's message to anglers on Facebook? - Look around, see who is actively supporting the sport, investing in sponsorship, sponsoring your tournament series and even and make conscious decisions to support those companies who are giving something back to the industry.
    Last edited by MattMassey; 05-28-2013 at 04:50 PM.

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