Quote Originally Posted by MattClapp View Post
2012 CSFL had 77 teams on Quinte with NO limits to species or location.
2013 CSFL had 51,37 teams on Quinte after imposing 'Bay only" (and has had between 35-29 teams ever since).

Given the above, I don't understand why QFS would consider 'Bay Only' as an option? An unbiased poll should have investigated other options.
Do you think the reduced field was because of the restriction? I fished those events and most that I talked to said they would rather not have to run. As for the reduced fields since then, there has been reduced fields for every series on Quinte and everywhere else. Not sure if its from the lack of interest by locals or simply like everywhere else, all the options for other tournaments.

I think it would be interesting to see the ratio of locals fishing the Quinte series compared to those that used to travel and have the expense of staying. There are just so many options now and tournament anglers just can't afford to add more events to their schedule. If there is a conflict in dates they are likely to choose closer to home.

Personally I would love to run to the lake but not from Belleville.